Monday, February 29, 2016

Post 1 - Media Technology

Media Technology
By Jack R. Eaton
February 29, 2016

Media Technology

          There are all different types of media technologies that we use in the world today.  They are important because it is how we receive information.  Even though some of these are not as prevalent as they once were, all of them are incredibly valuable sources of information in the right circumstance, and it is important that we, the information seeking public, understand that.  In recent years old media has given way to new media.  The term old media refers to traditional one-to-many forms of mediated communication such as print, radio, and television, and the label new media is used to describe digital information and technology systems, including networked computing and mobile telecommunication (Trenholm, 2011).  There are basically four ways in which everyone in the world is capable of receiving mass information.  They are print, radio, television, and the internet.